kafalah - Preliminary analysis of national and cross-border practices (2020) This new kafalah publication calls for a greater respect of the rights of makfoul children.
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english and french
Towards a greater capacity: Learning from intercountry adoption breakdowns (2017) This new publication on intercountry adoption breakdowns aims at giving support to adoptees, adoptive parents, professionals from Central Authorities and from other competent authorities, and Adoption Accredited Bodies, in order to prevent and manage the crises, and even breakdowns, faced by adoptive families.
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english and french
Responding to illegal adoptions: a professional handbook (2016) This handbook is structured around four main Chapters, each focusing on the potential responses available to a finding of an illegal adoption from a specific standpoint: legal, psychosocial, social and political. Personal testimonies are woven into the Chapters, highlighting the harsh reality, challenges and achievements of those most affected.
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
available in english and french
Manifesto for ethical intercountry adoption (2015) During the fourth Special Commission, ISS/IRC launched its Manifesto for Ethical Intercountry Adoption which, based on the guiding principles of the 1993 Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption, intends to promote ethical practices in order to protect the children better as well as anyone involved, and to ensure that intercountry adoption is a protection measure that is used only in the child's best interests.
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english and french
The place of child health in the adoption process (2010) As a follow-up to an initiative taken by the International Adoption Service (IAS) of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in France, and in collaboration with the latter, the ISS /IRC undertook a study on the place of child health in the adoption process.
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english and french
"A better future is possible": Promoting family life for children with disabilities in residential care (2016) This practical Handbook for professionals offers a method and procedures to support political authorities and field actors involved in designing permanency planning for children with disabilities in residential care and Practical tools for practitioners in charge of children with disabilities (grids for the observation of the child, case management tools, guidance on the preparation of the child to his/her new environment, etc.).
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english and french
Lifebook for every child living in residential care institutions This tool offers a child friendly way to collect and keep all relevant information relating to the life story of the child (main stages of his or her development and progress, important life events) and is a tool for the professionals to address with the child sensitive issues (about his/her origins, the reason for the placement).
Published by the ISS General Secretariat
Available in english and french